Transforming the Future of the QSR Industry with Voice AI

This capability enables T-Sourcings AI to efficiently process thousands of orders for numerous customers across various locations, all seamlessly integrated into your restaurant’s POS system.

T-Sourcing is excited to launch AI-driven voice ordering solutions for the QSR Industry. This expansion builds upon its current system that already utilizes highly-trained, top-notch call agents. The aim is to enhance restaurant operations by introducing cost-effective innovations.

These advancements could empower QSR stores to boost their Ticket Sales by attending to all calls and exploring additional revenue streams. Consequently, customers can expect a seamless and exceptional experience from start to finish.

How Does It Work

Voice AI is Revolutionizing the Restaurant Industry. Our state-of-the-art conversational AI system helps you to scale-up by efficiently handling your Drive-Thru and Phone Orders with exceptional precision. We can be anywhere your customer engages with you, due to our Multi-channel capabilities.

It’s time to delight your customers and restaurant employees.

Here’s how we make it happen

Natural Dialogue

Your customers will have a clear conversation with our AI, be understood, be able to interrupt, and receive only information relevant to them, engaging them through a secure, easy to understand conversation.

Our AI solution learns about your customers preferences, and stores their data so that future dialogues are more personalized and quick. Our learning AI model will eventually be able to handle Multilingual capabilities.

Immediate Processing

Because of crisp personalized AI dialogues and due to our Cloud-based model, that works flawlessly with your POS, expect order fulfillment in the quickest and most accurate way! Your store will be instantly informed about orders and also store-related calls, if and when they’re needed. Our AI solution is flawlessly integrated with our Contact Center capabilities, helping you to customize our solution to fit your needs! 

Order Fulfillment

Has never been easier for your business! Improvement in customer satisfaction, return customers and effective upselling, may require your in-store team to be ready to see a surge in order fulfillment. Our service will handle your order calls, while your staff can focus on what matters most, be it meal preparation, delivery & serving your dine-in customers even better!

If you’re ready for a Demo, want to learn more or would like to discuss your unique requirements with our team, fill our form below:

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